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Budgeting and Grant Calculation

Control of financial outlays is a key component of any business activity. You need help setting up or negotiating your budget or developing a well-thought-out financial plan that will be approved by the end-customer? Clinical Trial Support guarantees that all your needs in this area will be successfully met. Based on the information you provide, we will create all necessary financial documents, no matter how complicated they may be. These documents will be easily understandable, consistent and financially sound, and thus will be readily accepted by the legal and financial staff of any pharmaceutical company.

A professionally planned budget offers you significant advantages, such as getting the best value from your financial and human resources, developing precise tactical and strategic plans of financial activities and providing your end-customers with convincing facts and figures on all cost drivers.

A research grant requires precise and, more importantly, rational calculations. We will consider a whole range of issues to estimate your grant expenses — from the requirements of your end-customers to tax rates.